My Unified Substack—Anthony Signorelli

silhouette of boat on sea during sunset
Photo by Aman Nagpal on Unsplash

In response to reader requests, I have combined all my Substacks—Climate Abundant Life, Write On!, Arguments Against Books, Soul Food Poems, and Lancelot’s Tears—into a single publication under my name—Anthony Signorelli. Now, you can subscribe to one Substack and get all my work. Right here.

Climate change, investing, myth and psychology, poetry, creative writing, and more.

Living into the Rapture of Being Alive

Ever since I heard Joseph Campbell tell Bill Moyers that he didn’t think people were looking for the meaning of life, but rather for “the experience of the rapture of being alive,” living that experience has been my North Star. I understood immediately that such an experience meant living into all aspects of life in the deepest, most profound and energized way. Fully live the struggles as well as the joys. Engage the grief as well as the love. Put your mind to things to understand deeply, then re-engage with new perspectives. Write poetry to discover the hidden in our experiences. Attempt the sacred and insight my own psychology. All of it, as James Hillman said, to “deepen events into experiences.”

Every piece of writing I have completed and published is another point of light in the sky of all things. For me, that rapture has meant exploring into my deepest curiosities—about grief and soul and nature, but also about the human world—economics, political philosophy, and social concerns. It has meant poetic excursions into the experiences of love and grief, and also into cultural outrage at the state of our world. My career in business meant the same for me. So does sailing. So did marriage and family. Underneath it all is the desire to experience this life fully—the good, the bad, and the ugly, as they say. But fully. Deeply. In the bones and in a way that connects to spirit and soul.

My writing and workshops are guided by this North Star, even when they don’t say it explicitly. Some are examples of living this rapture. Some are about living the rapture. And now, some are a guide to living the rapture of being alive. Everything here shares that one North Star. Welcome.

Who Am I?

First and foremost, I am a poet and author with a writing practice that spans more than four decades. I’ve published many articles, hundreds of white papers, and six books, served as poetry editor for Holy Cow! Press, and was the editor and publisher of Inroads: A Journal of the Male Soul. Writing is more than a passion for me—it is a way of life.

I spent thirty years in the business world with two organic hobby farms along the way. I was a management and sales consultant in my own business. I also owned a bookstore for several years and a small janitorial service. I was always an entrepreneur until the very end of my career when I accepted a position to transform a rooftop solar company, and did so over three years, taking sales from $500,000 to over $15 million in that time. Along the way, I’ve provided mentoring to many up and coming business people.

I’ve been involved in mythopoetic men’s work, if I may call it that, since the mid 1980s. This is where I found Joseph Campbell, Robert Bly, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Marion Woodman, James Hillman, and so many other inspiring deep thinkers. I attended a men’s conference in 1987, and coming full circle, I taught a workshop at the same conference almost forty years later on writing into grief. These experiences introduced me to poetry and led me to deeper perspectives on the experiences of life. Indeed, they were a lifesaver after my wife died of breast cancer in 2018. Deep reflections and poetry got me through.

Today, I have constructed a life that works for me. I live in a small cabin on ten acres in northern Wisconsin, deep in the forest, with only a handful of neighbors within a mile. I like it this way. It is quiet, good for thinking. Life is simple. Writing, garden work, cooking, mountain biking, and sailing fill my days. I watch nature, the turning of the seasons, and the impact of climate change. I have good friends. Some day, the right partner will enter my life. My work is to experience this life deeply and to share my experiences in ways that delight my readers. Welcome. I hope to delight you, too.

Please join me… subscribe for Free

As a free subscriber, you will get most of my regular writings. In addition to the newsletters listed at the top of this page, I am writing about grief, love, investing, retirement, individuation, and the fulfillment of one’s destiny. The unifying theme: the rapture of being alive. The subscription is free. Just enter your email address.

There are two reasons to upgrade to a paid subscription. The first is because you are an outstanding human. You see value and you choose to support it with your subscription, just as you might support your church or public radio. You get the knowledge that you have done the right thing in a fair exchange of value, and you get my eternal gratitude. Even if you do not care about access to the protected content, this is a good thing to do.

The second reason is for access to certain sensitive content, especially on relationships, sex, love, and grief. While most content will also be available to all subscribers, some of it is quite personal. I am willing to share with serious, thoughtful readers, but not with just anyone. With the Internet being what it is, trolls and others can make a writer’s life miserable when he or she publishes sensitive content, and it turns out that most trolls won’t pay someone else to be their troll. Hence, sensitive pieces will be made available behind the paywall. As a paid subscriber, you get access to them, too. Your payment tells me your are serious, and that makes me happy to share.

Either way—paid or free—subscribe now to open your mind and heart to the rapture of being alive.

Subscribe to Anthony Signorelli

Living into the Rapture of Being Alive!


Author and Poet. Ideas that change minds; poems to awaken souls. I aim to experience the rapture of being alive.