Our Texas governor recently overturned a law that Austin put into placing that mandated water breaks for construction workers. Since OSHA doesn't currently have rules for working in the heat, Austin put their own in place, but our Republican majority doesn't want local governments making any of their own ordinances anymore. They want everything to come directly from just the state. Although the rules they attack with the most vigor are any of the ones that the primarily Democratic cities enact. They have an extra large grudge against Austin, followed by Houston.
It is a very strange, internally conflicted position for Republicans to take. They just continue to change from a party of principle to one in which the only principle seems to be power.
Our Texas governor recently overturned a law that Austin put into placing that mandated water breaks for construction workers. Since OSHA doesn't currently have rules for working in the heat, Austin put their own in place, but our Republican majority doesn't want local governments making any of their own ordinances anymore. They want everything to come directly from just the state. Although the rules they attack with the most vigor are any of the ones that the primarily Democratic cities enact. They have an extra large grudge against Austin, followed by Houston.
It is a very strange, internally conflicted position for Republicans to take. They just continue to change from a party of principle to one in which the only principle seems to be power.
BTW, I'm not speculating as to the reasoning, they've loudly trumpeted it and it was a focus of legislation this past session.